Penis Sport Shrinkage

Man running on a tredmill in a sport club
Many people have asked this question. Many men get really upset when they've been working out just before a date and notice that their penis has shrunk to its minimum flaccid size. This is a condition we call "Sport Shrinkage". During an exercise, blood is needed for other parts of the body and therefore the blood from the penis is "drained" for use elsewhere in our bodies. This leaves you with a tiny penis for sometimes up to 18 hours after an intensive workout.

Think of how embarrassing it is going on a date and then having your partner see your penis in its smallest flaccid state. But as with everything, there is a solution.

Bathmate & Sport Shrinkage

Before the big date, to fill up these tight pants and to show off your pride in its maximum flaccid size, simply use Bathmate for one session before you go on a date. This will immediately make your flaccid penis go back to its normal size, which will, of course, increase with regular use. Bathmate is the ultimate solution for your Sport Shrinkage problems.

Get your Bathmate Today!